How do I bring up wanting to have a threesome?

Most of us have thought about it, but very few of us know how to bring up the topic without making things awkward.

Are you and your partner thinking about spicing things up? Bringing a third person into the bedroom can be an exciting experience and a great way to add variety to your sex life.

 But how do you bring it up? How do you effectively communicate the idea of having a threesome without offending your partner or putting them off the idea altogether?

Whether you're in a long-term relationship or just starting out with someone new, here is some advice on wanting to talk about a threesome without any awkwardness.

Be Clear About Your Intentions

The first thing you need to do is make sure that both partners are on the same page. You should communicate your desire for a threesome and ensure everyone understands what you want.

It's essential to be upfront and honest with your partner, even if it can be uncomfortable to talk about at first. This way, everyone knows what they are getting into, and there won't be any surprises later.

Introduce The Idea In A Casual Way

When bringing up the topic, try not to make it seem like you are pressuring your partner into something they don't want to do. Instead, introduce the idea casually and leave room for discussion about what kind of threesome experience would work best for both of you.

Maybe suggest different scenarios or role-play ideas that will get your partner thinking about the possibilities more creatively than just talking about it directly.

Talk About What You Both Want Out Of It

It's important that both partners feel comfortable enough with each other so they can express their desires openly and honestly without feeling judged or embarrassed. Have an open dialogue about what each of you wants from the experience, so everyone feels respected and heard throughout the process. Maybe suggest trying something new together or discussing potential boundaries beforehand, so no one gets hurt or feels taken advantage of in any way during the process. 

Be Patient

Threesomes can be an exhilarating opportunity for both partners when approached thoughtfully and respectfully. When broaching the subject with your partner, make sure they are comfortable with it first and foremost, then let go of any anxieties and enjoy exploring this new world together! Your wildest fantasies can become a reality with just a little communication and openness!

Remember to respect each other's boundaries, and never pressure anyone into doing anything they're not ready for!

Good luck!

With love,

Naked Curve


Author: Ivana Zoric |

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